Walking Rugby at Amesbury rugby club
What is Walking Rugby?
Walking rugby is a non-contact format of the game for both men and women being able to play together in the same games. Its a simplified version of rugby with no tackling but simply a two handed touch on the upper torso such as shoulders, arms back. Played on a much smaller pitch and participants must be walking at all times.
Fixtures are played with 7 players on the pitch although you can have more players in the squad with rotating subs.
It’s a very low impact passing game where the emphasis is on passing and tactics.
Main rules:
no tackles, these are replaced with a two handed touch (not a push)
no running just walk although we are free to walk at pace.
no diving to the ground - just walk over the line with the ball to score

Amesbury RFC - Walking Rugby Squad
Why play Walking Rugby?
It great fun
Its a sociable activity
It keeps you active without demanding any significant fitness
You dont need any previous rugby experience
The only contact is 2 handed touch so there is no heavy contact in walking rugby
We have players in their 50's 60's & 70's all play together
Costs around £1 a session to play.
You dont need much in the way of specialist equipment. Suitable footwear is the main requirement

What age can you play Walking Rugby?

We have Walking Rugby players ranging in age from early 50's through to 60's and 70's and there is no upper age limit.
All skill levels can play together. The game can accommodate all skill and fitness levels.
What experience do you need to play Walking Rugby?
It is not necessary to have any experience of playing rugby before. We will teach you everything you need to know.
Some players might have never played rugby or any other sport before. Some may have come from alternative sports and some may have once played another form of rugby in the past. Whatever your experience we all play together.
At Amesbury Rugby Club we put a lot of effort in to introduce anyone new to the basics of walking rugby. While newcomers are welcome to watch, we encourage everyone to just join in and pick it up as you go as that is the best way to learn.

What kit do you need to play Walking Rugby?

You do not need a lot of specific kit to play Walking Rugby.
Its relatively low cost of entry as a sport. The main thing is to start with suitable slip-resistant footwear for good grip on grass such as rubber stud trainers or football boots if you already have them. As long as you have comfortable clothing that is easy to move around in you will be fine to train ie a basic pair of shorts (or leggings) and upper layers like a t-shirt, polo or training top, your really dont need any specific.
Are there any health requirements?
Walking Rugby is played at a pace that suits people of all physical abilities and limitations but as with any physical activity, doctor’s advice should be sought prior to participation if in doubt.
Walking Rugby has been adapted from traditional rugby to meet a wide variety of fitness levels, which is part of the reason it is so popular. To play comfortably, you need to be able to walk easily, throw and catch a ball.
So, if you thought you were too old, too unfit or too broken to play again... then maybe Walking Rugby is a good option for you. Come and join us. Get in touch via the form below.
Walking Rugby Enquiry
Walking Rugby has experienced a strong organic growth in recent years and has acted as the catalyst in attracting many people back into playing rugby due to its various health and fitness benefits and a strong sense of fun and enjoyment.
The sessions allow community cohesion and social inclusion, bringing people together in the community and being able to get together before and after sessions. Walking Rugby is a non – contact sport and is suitable for both females and males to participate in.