Welcome to parents.
To help you and your child find their feet within the club we thought the following information might be useful to you. If for any reason we have not answered any of your questions then please use the contact us form to get in touch.
A warm welcome to parents of new junior players

Amesbury Rugby Club
The club was only formed in 2017. We currently run a senior men's team and a senior ladies team. Both teams have been extremely successful.
The clubhouse is owned by the Amesbury Town Council which we share with cricket and junior football. We currently have one full-size rugby pitch although we are looking to find additional playing space as soon as we can.
The club plays in black and gold.

Age Grade Rugby
We only started Junior age group rugby in the 2018 - 2019 season.
We are currently offering rugby to boys aged 11 to 15 and actively recruiting new players to expand their numbers.
From September 2021 we aim to provide rugby for boys and girls aged 6 and 7.

All coaching is by qualified, volunteer coaches who have been screened for their suitability for working with young people. We are always on the lookout for new parent helpers and coaches so please contact us if you would like to help out on a Sunday We have everything from helping run the tuckshop, managing the membership information, organising fixtures and coaching.
Training is on Sunday mornings from September to May. Registration is from 10:00 with training starting prompt at 10:30 and will run for 90 minutes - Always check the club Facebook page for any last min cancellations/alterations.

Attending Training
Please register your child’s name with the age-grade administrator at the start of each session. Children are invited to attend three sessions free of charge before joining.
For children attending for the first time, we ask the parent to register them with us on the RFU GMS system by accessing https://gms.rfu.com/GMS and creating an account for themselves and their child. Annually this needs to be validated in accordance with RFU regulation We have an internal registration form which we currently use requiring child's name, age and parents contact details (full name, email and phone number). It is hoped we can remove the need for the duplication in time. The local form will only be retained until details are cross-checked on the RFU GMS system and membership fees paid in accordance with RFU GDPR requirements.
If you are joining us from another club please complete the form here.

Clothing for training
As the weather during the winter can be either wet or cold can you please ensure your child comes to training with the right clothing for the weather conditions. Can you please ensure they bring spare dry clothing to put on after training.
For training, we want to ensure that children are warm, dry and enjoy the training. Rugby stick mitts, long leggings, hats, and a water-proof outer are all fine.
Again please remain at the pitchside or in the clubhouse as much as you can in case of any issues.
Provide your child with a suitable mouthguard.
A bottle of water should be brought to every session. Please label if possible so we can return to you if found at the pitch after training.
All removable items should be clearly labeled with the child’s name & contact number.
For safety, boot studs should ‘feel smooth to the touch’ and ‘not chip or burr’.

Parents - Code of Conduct
Code of conduct for parents or guardians
Do not force an unwilling child to participate in sport.
Remember, children are involved in sport for their enjoyment, not yours.
Encourage your child to always play by the rules.
Teach your child that honest effort is as important as victory so that the result of each game is accepted without undue disappointment.
Turn defeat into victory by helping your child work towards skill improvement and good sportsmanship. Never ridicule or yell at your child for making a mistake or losing a game.
Remember that children learn best by example. Applaud good play by your team and by members of the opposing team.
Do not publicly question the referee’s judgement and never his or her honesty.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse from children’s sport.
Recognise the value and importance of volunteer coaches. They give up their time and resources to provide recreational activities for your child.
Talk to the Coaches if you require advice.
Parents helping the club:
Tuck shop - Cold wet days are all the better for being able to enter a warm clubhouse and indulge in hot food, beverages and a nice bar of chocolate but we need volunteers to help run it occasionally through the season.
Team admin / Fixtures - Perhaps you would take on the responsibility for organising something such as updating the website, or team announcements and organising transport logistics.
First aid - We need more parents to refresh on the short course, valid for 3 years. Please advise Coaches if you are already qualified and willing to assist as First Aider. Training all provided.
There are plenty more roles to fill so please contact us if you are interested in helping us run the club.
Branded Clothing:
It is always good for the club and the players to have the club badge being worn. It helps to promote the club and build a team ethos. Parents can purchase club branded clothing for their children from our online shop.
Playing shirts will be provided for any fixtures.
Contact information:
All the clubs key points of contact are on the Contact us page
Social Media:
We have a number of information outlets. The clubs public Facebook page as this is where we provide updates on all our club fixtures and results. Amesbury Rugby Club - Public Page
We also have a closed group on Facebook called Amesbury Rugby Club - Members Only Page. Its for all members and as parents of a junior player that includes you. Just ask to join and answer the tickbox questions and you will be accepted in.
Links to our public Instagram, Facebook and Twitter are at the top and bottom of each page on the website.